Working together, doing better

A  message from GSCC President Dan Kutcher, April 2016.

We are approaching a crossroad. What we do collectively in the next few years will determine the future of our local economy and by extension the broader community, for all of us, our kids, and theirs.

Spring is a time for renewal. It is a time to put our heads up and take a look around. To try something different. To take a chance. It is a time to be hopeful and optimistic about what we can achieve, together. And that is what the Way Forward is all about.

Over the past two years the GSCC has hosted the Way Forward Conference where leaders from across the country have issued dire warning on how we can kill our business community, while also providing real ideas that can make our local economy grow and prosper. This year, working with businesses, stakeholders and government the GSCC is taking action. Choosing which way to go is easy. Getting there won’t be. But, we must try and succeed.

‘Working together, doing better’ is a simple concept. It means supporting, starting and attracting business as a team; creating a unified vision for economic development; collecting and analyzing data metrics to improve the success and reduce leakage of economic development investments and initiatives; creating ambassadors out of all of us to promote the great things that are happening right now; and, setting and achieving common goals and brand for economic development and the future of our local business community.

For me, working together to do better means competing with the world, and winning.

The Way Forward puts this concept into action. The Way Forward committee has met and established a road map. The next step is the ‘Made In Summerside’ session where you can listen, propose, discuss, collaborate and take action to make something happen.

We know where we have been; now we can keep moving forward, better, together.  Stay tuned and join us.